The live action version of the Grinch was and is my favorite movie. Jim Carey played the part so well and makes me laugh every time I watch it. The ending is a little corny but I was loved it when I was 6. I always wanted to watch this movie, Christmas time or not. Dr. Suses storie was very well
The grinch
April 14, 2014 by ryanr213
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Favorite place
March 24, 2014 by ryanr213
The smell of funnel cake , the screaming people, the heart rushing rides; fiesta texas is a great place to be.
I lived in San Antonio for 5 years and nearly every year we had passes for the full year. We would about every other weekend. I know the park so well, i love everything. last year was the first year I could every ride in the park. the food is great and so are the holiday specials like Halloween they have shows and monsters all around the park. And on Christmas a huge Christmas tree.
One of the best parts in the whole place is the water park. The water park is only open in summer. It’s huge to only be open that long especially in Texas falls. I love the tornado but the lines are always so long. It’s still really fun and if you go in summer remember your swim suit.
Last and not least the roller coasters. I love them all. My favorites are the superman, Goliath, and the poltergeist.i just got tall enough to ride the goliathe and superman.i usually don’t ride in the front because the lines get long for that spot but in the Goliath it’s worth it. The poltergeist is really fast and fun . I love fiesta texas and going there with friends is the most fun. Fiesta texas is just a great place to be
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The Phantoms Lair
March 7, 2014 by ryanr213
You walk down a long narrow path leading down to a staircase. You breathe deeply through your nose and smell water and rats. You finally feel the wall stop and take a look around.Darkness… everywhere. Candles are around flickering, crying out for life. One area in particular has an unknown bright yellow beam coming down down on a throne.A broken fountain is behind this throne, frozen… still…The room is cold. No winds no movement except for a rat on the throne arm, nibbling a rock as if starving.
You walk a little farther, you trip and fall on what looks like a doll in a wight- perhaps getting married-. Its to dark to tell what it really was. When you hit the ground you hear rats scurrying away from the noise of you body hitting the cold dark floor. The silence is hard to feel comfortable in. You feel a wall to your right, it feels dusty and loose. You let it lead you to another trap door leading almost straight up. Its a hard climb but you mange to reach the top. It seems to be a bedroom, there is a girl in bed sleeping. Wait- whats that. A dark figure is next to the bed watching the woman. All you saw was a white mask.
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Super Bowl
February 20, 2014 by ryanr213
The parties, the food, the family; wouldn’t you say the best part of the super bowl. It sure the game this year
Just to start, the seahawks outmatched the broncos in offense and defense. Probably the most boring Super Bowl in history. After the first quarter, with a lead of 20 points, ther was no question on who was going to win. The broncos simply could contain the seahawks offense Or move the ball effectively. I would get up to get a drink, come back and the broncos were 14 more. To me, it was obviouse who was going to win after the seahawks scored the first touchdown. Way to easy!!!!
In addition to the bad game, there was the bad commercials. Instead if the usual laph your head off super commercials; it was the casual car or an insurance commercial. I see funnier commercials on every day T.V. I’m pretty sure that there was millions of people (Girls- people who don’t care about the game) were changing the channel or turning off their T.V. The only good part of the whole thing was the food and family, maybe also the half time show… That was pretty awesome.
Altogether, the Super bowl did not live up to tradition. I hope they’ll do better next year!!
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January 30, 2014 by ryanr213
I’m in band.Concert band. I never got to test because I registered late. It’s not bad though. This upcoming concert we will be playing 3 songs- summit fanfare( I play cymbals and triangle), Iroquois sunrise ( I play snare drum ), and General Greene( I play snare and I have a duet in the beginning with a trumpet.) Oh and by the way I play percussion. I also love playing drum set. I got an electric drum set for my 12th birthday. It’s really cool. You can play along with music and change the settings for different sounds. I’m gonna take lessons in a year. When I’m 17 I’m going to volunteer for a church drummer for praise and worship. I took lessons when I was 9 but I don’t remember much
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First time out of the state!!
December 19, 2013 by ryanr213
A few weeks ago was my first time out of the state. I had only ever been on vacations in this state. My dad DROVE us up to florida. So I have still never been on a plane.But it was really cool to be I florida and see my dads old friends. And on the way there we saw where they filmed duck dynasty. My family and I love that show. They film it in West Monroe Lousiana. So since we stopped for gas there, the first other state I had ever been in was Lousiana. Then through Mississippi and Alabama. I had a lot of fun, it was kinda weird to think about how i was in a diffrent place on Earth; I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.
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Westridge vs. Hill Country
December 1, 2013 by ryanr213
I was on the football field at Westlake. We were about to kick the ball off. The ball was kicked and of I was gone. I raced down the field looking to make the tackle. I was coming in fast and was close so I slowed down slightly and turned to make the tackle when the other teams guy stepped on the back of my foot, ripping off my shoe. that wasn’t about to stop me, it did slow me down the second the shoe got ripped off so suddenly I was behind him chasing him down with one shoe. I didn’t get the tackle and then the buzzer rang for half time and our team ran down the field to a corner of the endzone while I ran the opposite way to get my shoe and dash down back to my team.Not to long after that i was on the sideline as are team was getting real close to the endzone. The coach looked at me and said ” this is your play so go out there and make a touchdown, the play is 12 belly,”. I ran down and told the quarter back the play. it was my first run in a game. I was so positive on making this touch down. “DOWN, GO!!,” yelled the quarter back. i ran up to recieve the ball when I noticed they had fumbled it. i swiftly picked it up and did what I could which wasn’t a lot considering the whole other team was on top of me. I was so mad, the last game and my touch down was stolen from me.
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Divergent and Insurgent
November 7, 2013 by ryanr213
Divergent is one of my all time favorite books. It’s about this world that is kind of like the hunger games but not quite. In there world you have to pick a section that you want to join when you are 16. Its about a girl who lived in a sefless factor (abnegation) and changed to the more violent and crazy dauntless. wich is a huge change. then she goes through training and gets friends and enemys and meets a guy (one of her instructor’s). Its a good story for are age group. I actually just finished the second book, insurgent. Now I have to read the third book. They look like slow reads, but they are actually not. It took about 2 weeks for each book. I encourage you to read the series. there are by Veronica Roth.
Photo Credit: prettybooks via Compfight
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How did the moon follows home?
November 7, 2013 by ryanr213
We were in chorpus leaving a restaurant when I pointed out the full moon. My little brother was about 5. He was in awe. The ride home was kind of long. When we finally reached are grandmas house (that we were staying with for the weekend) my brother turned his head to the sky and asked, “how did the moon follow us home”?!he thought cit had literally moved around to follow us home. He didn’t understand why we started to giggle. We explained to him that it was so high up that we can see from just about anywhere we go exept the other half of the world. He was tired and to be honest didn’t really care anymore. I liked that he asked the question because he really didn’t understand.
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12 belly on go on go
October 16, 2013 by ryanr213
I was on the football field. Playing as an h back I would usually block for the r back. Belly was the one play I got to run the ball. 12 belly on go on go said the Aneesh quarter back. I was lined up and ready to go. Down, go!!! I was off in an instant I took the ball and dashed for only about 7 yards. It was my first run. I ran as hard as I could pushing through the linebackers to meet the safeties. It was a hard hit. I had not got the first down but I got the yardage we needed. the next play got us the first down.I just hope I get that chance in a game.
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